It was his best of times. The aura had jus transformed, to slip in his favor. Everything he touched became gold and his career figure multiplied, so much so, to chalk out billions of dollars , which kissed his feet, n was everywhere from taking him to deep slumber to giving him a really soothing time in the bathtub, in short, a living exemplar of utter success , was he..

U cannot imagine how life became so beautiful and full of razzmatazz for him, luxury and loyalty, he gained every now n then, and, love!!!!.... How cannot anybody fall in love when he is rich? Women.... a perfect drug, even worse than “the ecstasy" flooded in his life and then, he had a choice to pick one.... she was Lucy....

Lucy and peter Sandler soon got married. Peter could not have been happier, with such haunting n ugly face, he virtually purchased the heartthrob and the priceless inferno of the town ... she was Lucy Peterson.... it is rightly said when u has the money u owe the power too...

past records of peter unveiled that he used to walk with the aid of valium to murder every second of the night , because he used to b haunted by the incitation from within and paranoia from the outside , to become the most worthed man of the city both monetarily and mentally.

But days had altered, he used to wait whole day long carving out and editing out the story of the night, his nights were special, the voyeuristic moaning adored the silence of the night, fracturing the plank of gentleness and sophistication. He was wild in sex and so was his wife. they used 2 have sex every night , thus day by day they became more n more 2 insomnia.....

Now, sex started to get on him, sleepless nights and hectic day, tore him apart gradually. his wife resembled a whore, could not go off to sleep without getting nailed... his denials owed to quarrels and small couple fights and then the same , negotiations. His life’s track now was, turning into a monotonous one. No surprises, no challenges, dead urge, a zombie competition and ultimately, a scenario dawned in front of him which he had never ever apprehended.

Now, his money, his luxuries and his wife started to piss him off. Money was absent in his wallet, luxuries he never enjoyed, n his wife lived unhappily debarred of sex, care and company.

His dedication to his work had disappeared, his blazing ideas to chalk out dollars did not hit his brain, and his desires had succumbed, more money!!!! He was not ravenous of the same....... success and power had turned their ways from him.

He was sitting in the board room of the company, he established. With eyes glued to the projector which clearly showed him the plight of his company... he saw his company crashing down to the level where he started it from... he aint had any options left, but to wait and watch the board's verdict. His brain had become numb, and paranoid... then his company was sold to some bigger firm... he lost , his life's vehicle hit the barricade of fiasco, he was over, his shining and scintillating life had just been tarnished by his adversity. he could not do anything but jus to wait and watch anymore adversity tales to b weaved culminating to his extinction... these all , ultimately made the tears to roll down his cheeks scattering the inauspicious light of the room and thus, illuminating those drops which suddenly had come alive after hibernating for more than ten years , he was done , he was dead on papers, ironically , but moving....

he came out of the room and reminisced all those moments when he used to burn the midnight’s oil jus to blow the air of determination and confidence in his success balloon , which he wished n prayed could never have bursted into debris , but his destiny not only bursted it with a nail but had inserted a whole damn dagger through it.. after 10 years , since his mother had been cremated , his instincts tuned to the station of emotions and he needed aid, support and a shoulder, to wipe his blood rendering tears , of any sort... then this hapless orphan , remembered his wife , whom he had not even bothered to talk , for weeks. Repentance ran into his blood jus like snake's venom, he knew, it was going to cut off his air supply soon very soon....

In his car, he knew his wife had gone too far away but he still believed that god won’t snatch every foundation of him in one dam try.

on reaching home , he slowly moved towards his wife's bedroom, but then , he suddenly felt that he had been transported to the past ...... the same slightly open door , the same music of his wife's moaning , the same ambiance .... But while looking through the slightly open door, he never had imagined that his wife was sleeping with someone other than him..... Now he was cajoled to be isolated... his foundation of his life has been wrecked by the tornado of misfortune, in one dam day his life somersaulted into a 60 fathoms deep hornet’s nest. his achievements burnt away , his money and power now could not heal the wounds sculptured on his lanky body.... his next move was as much ignorant to him as calculus is to a kid in nursery.. Peter Sandler had been hunted by the poisoned arrow of adversity...

Peter had nothing else to lose now. His brain resembled that of a heavy machine without any operator. For the first time in his life his brain was so sessile and idle, nothing to ponder but everything to regret. Even though of all these mental turbulence, he was trying to rake for some silver lining in his darksome cloud like life. He left his home and tried to erase all those past memories, he left his property and left al things behind him. With some money in his wallet he went to his home place, were child peter was born and had been grown up. He needed this melancholy to transform his brain and repair his instincts but his whole life was flashing and pinching him like needles every new and then.

Days elapsed but his memories did not renew.

he made himself cut off from the world and raked , anticipated and waited for the silver lining .yet his past danced on his death tone whenever he closed his eyes his nightmares were not the usual ones but more real n haunting. in short , he died every day , jus to reborn the following day.... he was mortal but he felt like he had become immortal after drinking the elixir of his bitter destiny...

more time elapsed, money and food ran out of stock , he had nothing to do but to wilt and die... but that headstrong man was still searching 4 that silver lining , which he believed will b seen sooner or later. Now, some more time elapsed , n he became weak n fragile like dried leaves, but his conscience still alarmed him of something in his favor.....

Now he started to ponder of a miracle to land on his wreck realm. he did not want to escape out healthy and wealthy again , but the silver lining he was raking for was the illumination which people see when they r breathing their last breathe .... the silver linings which unlock the doors to heaven , which makes u free from this venal world were heinous stuffs r praiseworthy , were dishonesty is lived and honesty is thrashed to succumb.... the silver lining of death , the silver lining of salvation....

He wanted the death to embrace him in his arms, so that he could get the bounty of his hard work in heaven. But he did not die n suffered more n more. he tried al tricks to kill himself but death does not seem to heed, with each n every effort he suffered more , became more n more weak n his plight was unimaginable...every step he had taken forward to the boulevard of death had turned out crabs .. He died every day but jus partly......

now its been months , death , his silver lining, in his black adversity cloud jus did not appear... but then everything that is oxygenating is mortal on our mother earth...... so at last his silver lining was seen.... one morning with sun still raising upwards he stopped breathing , n with the rays of sun piercing his weak eyes , he saw his silver lining , at last , and then he died with a smirk on his face.........

Now, it was not only the smirk on his face, it was the smirk on his destiny, which put him to test whenever it desired, n imbibed the best of him ... just to make him lose everything when his life was perfect ... n peter vanquished this battle by his death , it was smirk on the that phoney god to whom everyone’s seeks 4 justice..... in peter's case its clear the god has even failed to give him the justice.... it was the smirk to unveil how coward n weak the almighty is, who could not even impart death to a man, who had honestly worked hard to reach on the top spot,,, instead he took all things away from the man n left him to wilt for months even though he prayed 4 death..... it was the smirk 4 all those people like him who r struggling , it was the smirk on the impish death , forwarding the message " look finally I vanquished u".... peter Sandler... since then really rested in peace ......


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