
Showing posts from June, 2011
I have engineered the skyscraper of my life, which is still under construction, to gently touch the zenith of my dreams. With my eyes closed, I antecede and my conscience, being the pilot of my destiny, land me on the torrid place with scorching heat rays of the sun frying the skin of oxygen breathers, with cracks in the holy earth speaking the story of its infertility, with the scarcity of water hitting to its epitome, with people praying to their lords to show them the silver lining in the impudent and rapacious dark clouds of their adversity. Amidst all these, my pilot navigates my inner soul on one person who has been trying hard to get at least something valuable from the reign of nothingness. The hope inside him is not dead; it’s breathing and with its each breath being exhaled, it is providing air to the smoldering pyre of the “dead hopes” of various individuals; with a subtle ambition of lightening it into a conflagration. But who’s he ?, I ask myself and then I realize, he i